From the NEW Concept80 (Aquarium) to additives, don't forgetting the CO2 kit for Freshwater, ELOS have decided to extend the range of PrimaLine products.
Elos PrimaLine for Marine and Freshwater was extended and new products will be available on that range. Keeping always the medium/high standards, PrimaLine was and will be our range of products redirected to all Aquarium hobbyist that is giving their first steps on the hobby and also for experts. The labeling was changed, new products were sorted out that before were only available on Expertline range. Built from our range of ExpertLine products, PrimaLine was developed not only to make figure on the market but to be effective, make the difference and definitely to be more affordable to end-customer when compared to ExpertLine and even with others brands on the market!
Products as AquaUno (Freshwater and Marine) and Aquazero, supplied before in capsules and vials (respectively) are now available in normal bottles of 125ml, 250ml and 500ml.

The CO2 kit SET100 and SET200 keeps the same equipment and quality as before but now can be purchased at lower price, the same price of our professional pressure reducer CO2000 (individually).
The NEW Concept80 will be our first aquarium in PrimaLine's range but without betray our reputation in quality and standards! In this product we wanted to go a little bit further and give a step forward compared to other brands, and how? Just providing the right tools in order that end-customer doesn't feel that have done a compromise to life!

Are you an Aquascaper? Are you undecided about Freshwater or Marine? Reef addicted?
Starting on POOL with Aquatop to full SYSTEM, end-customer can choose and change whatever he wants! Both systems are provided with the New Aquatop but without lights (bulbs, led stripes), so customer can decide what will be better for him and more affordable... T5? T8? Our New LED tubes? ELOS E-Stripe?! And about the filtration?! It happens the same... you just decide whatever you want to use! Internal filter? External Canister? Sump?

Now it is up to you!
We built and provide the tools, you decide! Like a suit, you can choose what fits better on your hobby...
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